How to Get Your Child to Sleep in Their Own Bed

‘I spend an hour on putting my child to bed every night. I tell him a story, tuck him into bed, kiss him good night and come to my room only to find him darting inside my bedroom with his eyes full of tears, pleading with me to take him with me to bed’. Does your story sound something like this? Well, maybe you are missing a few simple yet crucial child development tips. Here are a few child care tips to help you make your task easier:
 Make sure that your child’s room looks inviting and is decorated according to his taste:
One of the most important things in child care guide is that you have to put yourself in your child’s shoes to understand him. Instead of decorating his room all by yourself, get him involved and make sure that it is done in the way he wants. Apart from having his favorite Disney characters, you can also make a space for him to keep his small private things which he treasures, to give him a feel that his bedroom is his own territory where he can have anything he wants.

Is your child’s bed the right size?
Did you replace your child’s crib with a master bed? You may be surprised to know that child care demands you to make sure that your child is not scared of a huge sized bed. He might feel intimidated and alone if the bed is too big. Child care guide suggests that you replace crib with a toddler’s bed first.
Make him look forward to bedtime.
One of the important things in child development tips is that you should make bedtime so much fun that your kid actually starts looking forward to it. Attention works wonders in child care and so your kid should take this as a special part of the day when you are completely at his service.

Don’t leave a reason for him to get out of bed
Child care is all about taking care of small things like making sure that your child has been to the bathroom before lying down to sleep. Check that he does not have to get out of bed for any reason.
Avoid lying down with your child
Even if you have to lie down with him, make sure that it is only for a short while.
Be consistent in your child care rules
Parents experience says that one of the most helpful things in child care is to make no exceptions to your rule. There will come a time when your child will accept that he has to go to bed alone, no matter what. Child care guide also forbids parents to submit themselves to crying and whining.


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